
07 Vegetables and certain roots and tubers; edible

Sub Chapter
0710 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water); frozen

Sub Heading

0710400000 SWEET CORN



Displaying 1-6 of 6 result(s).
Country GroupGroup DescriptionActivityTariff RateUnitValid FromValid To
CDGCustoms Duty GeneralImport10%KG30-03-202031-12-9999
EU-PREFEU Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
EFTA-PREFEFTA Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
SADC-PREFSADC Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
MERC-PREFMERCOSUR - Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
VATValue Added TaxImport15%KG30-03-202031-12-9999



Displaying 1-1 of 1 result(s).
Product NameProduct familyProduct technical nameBrand nameCommentsFile
Sweet Corn Vegetables and certain roots and tubers; edibleSweet Corn


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Import Permit for Plants and Plant Products Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture This permit is issued to ensure that plants and plant materials are free from pests before they can be imported to Eswatini. The permit is in the form of pre-printed form (serialized with carbon copies). The trade in plants/plant products is governed by the Plant Control Act. Importation is subject to compliance with relevant import and phytosanitary requirements, as stipulated on plant import permit. The permit is obtained from the National Plant Health Inspectorate Services only, located at the Department of Agricultural Research & Specialist Services in Malkerns, and has a validity period of twelve months from date of issue and can be used for one consignment only. The Plant Health Protection Act, 2013 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Import Permit for Plants and Plant Products This process represents the procedure for obtaining a permit to import plants, plant products and other related articles. This permit is issued to ensure that plant and plant material are free from pests before they can be imported to Swaziland. Import View