
02 Meat and edible meat offal

Sub Chapter
0204 Meat of sheep or goats; fresh, chilled or frozen

Sub Heading

0204500000 MEAT OF GOATS



Displaying 1-7 of 7 result(s).
Country GroupGroup DescriptionActivityTariff RateUnitValid FromValid To
CDGCustoms Duty GeneralImport40%KG30-03-202031-12-9999
CDSCustoms Duty SpecificImport200c/Number of UnitsKG30-03-202031-12-9999
EU-PREFEU Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
EFTA-PREFEFTA Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
SADC-PREFSADC Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
MERC-PREFMERCOSUR - Preferential RateImportFREEKG30-03-202031-12-9999
VATValue Added TaxImport15%KG30-03-202031-12-9999



Displaying 1-1 of 1 result(s).
Product NameProduct familyProduct technical nameBrand nameCommentsFile
GoatMeat and edible meat offalMeat of Goats


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Import Permit from Ministry of Finance Permit Requirement Ministry of Finance Import permits are required for importation of certain goods from outside the Customs Union area. Importers of goods listed below are expected to obtain an import permit from the Ministry prior to importation of the goods in question. (Note: The list of goods is not exhaustive. Items are added and taken off as the government dictates). 1. Used Motor Vehicles 2. Used Earthmoving Equipment 3. Used Clothing 4. Used Tires/ Tire Casings 5. Used Footwear 6. Used Textiles 7. Mineral Fuels 8. Mineral Oils 9. Automotive Parts 10. Arms 11. Drugs 12. Gold and Other Precious Metals 13. Wild Animal Products 14. Agricultural Products (wheat, flour, dairy, maize, rice) 15. Electrical appliances 16. Human Remains 17. Meat/Animals The import permit is obtained from the Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Section of the Ministry of Finance, through download and completion of an application form. Import Control Regulations 1980 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Import Permit from Ministry of Finance The import permit is obtained from the Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Section of the Ministry of Finance, through download and completion of an application form. Import View


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Veterinary Import Permit for Live Animals and Animal Products Permit Requirement Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services This is a permit for importing live animals and animal products. This process represents the procedure for obtaining a permit to import live animals/animal products. The permit various for the particular animal/animal product being imported, e.g. live animals, processed meats, products of animal origin etc. with each permit being a formal document, serialized with a different format. Importation is subject to compliance with relevant import requirements, as stipulated on veterinary import permit. The permit is obtained from the Department of Veterinary and Livestock headquarters and at four regional offices, with permits for products of animal origin issued at the Public Health Office in Manzini. Certain products of meat origin are subject to quota controls, these are administered by NAMBOARD with the NAMBoard Import Permit required prior to application for the Veterinary import permit. Similarly, for all dairy products the Trader should have obtained a dairy produce import permit from SDB prior to submission for the Veterinary import permit. The permit has a validity of 30 days from date of issue and most often for one consignment only (although the permit may be valid for more than one consignment as stated on the permit itself). The average time for processing a permit from time of application to issue is within an hour subject to all information being available at time of application. There is a charge of SZE 30 per permit, with a SZE 10 charge only for live animals. Payment can be made at the Department and through purchase of fiscal stamp at the post office, respectively. The permit is obtained from the Department of Veterinary and Livestock headquarters and at regional veterinary offices found in all four regional offices. Application is made in person by interview with the clerk of the department. There is no formal application form to complete or request letter required. The Animal Diseases Act, 1965 31-12-2030


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Veterinary Health Certificate for export of live animals/animal products Permit Requirement Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services This process represents the procedure for obtaining a permit to export live animals/animal products. The permit is in the form of a formal document (serialized with a prescribed format). Exportation is subject to compliance with relevant export requirements, as stipulated on veterinary import permit. The permit is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security headquarters (Import and Export office) and has a non-extendable validity period of one month from date of issue and for one consignment only; and is issued with a signed veterinary health certificate. The average time for processing a permit from time of application to issue is 3-5 working days and applications are only accepted on Mondays. The application is made by completion of application (obtainable from the permit office of the Director of Livestock Services) and on presentation of the supporting documents; namely, commercial invoice, license, veterinary health certificate and import permit from destination country, and previous used permit for the last exported consignment. Application for a permit must be made at least 7 to 30 days prior to importation. The Animal Diseases Act, 1965 31-12-2030


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Prohibition of the importation, exportation and movement of animals, and animal products Prohibited Goods Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services The Minister for Agriculture may make regulations to prohibit the importation, exportation and movement of: (i) animals, animal products or any other thing likely to introduce or spread disease among stock and other animals; and (ii) containers and vehicles used for the conveyance of animals, animal products or any other thing likely to spread disease amongst stock and other animals; There may be also restriction and prohibition of: (i) the importation, exportation and movement of live virus or other pathogenic agent capable of causing disease in animals or of serum, vaccine or other biological or chemical products intended for the treatment of animals; or (ii) the use of biological or chemical products for the treatment of animals. The restriction and prohibition being effected by any necessary means, including the establishment of sanitary cordons by an officer guarded by or composed of officers who, in addition to other officers, may: (iii) stop and search persons, containers and vehicles; and (iv) examine and detain animals, animal products or any other thing likely to introduce or spread disease amongst stock and other animals and disinfect or destroy them or do both, with or without compensation The Animal Diseases Act, 1965 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Border inspection for animals and animal products Animal products shall not be admitted into Eswatini unless the respective consignment enters Eswatini through the approved border inspection post. Import View


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Export for Live Animals and Animal Products Permit Requirement Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services Eswatini requires the exporting party to procure an import permit from the veterinary authorities of the importing country except where an agreement subsists as with the EU/ACP countries. The veterinary officials of Swaziland will then comply with conditions set out in the import permit as regards laboratory tests, quarantine, livestock identification and other specified requirements, and subsequently the Veterinary Officers produce and issue appropriate Veterinary Health Certificates. Guidelines for National Veterinary Services, 2013 09-09-9999


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Restrictions on importation Restriction Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services (a) No person shall, without the written permission of the Director of Veterinary Services, import any animal product, including: (I) Milk and milk products; (II) Uncooked meat, organs and viscera of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and other cloven hoof stock; (III) The hides and skins of such stock; or (IV) Hair, bristle, horns, hoofs, bones, blood and manure of any such stock; (a) Any vegetable products including grass, grass hay, straw, lucerne, hay, maize stalks and kaffir corn stalks, but excluding tobacco and its products, industrial timber, basket ware, maize, kaffir corn, ground nuts, fruit and vegetables in bags, fruit and vegetables in boxes or crates without grass or straw, and walking sticks, ornaments and curios made of wood. Permission is required Stock Disease Regulations, 1933 (Under section 3 of the Act) 09-09-9999