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Displaying 21-30 of 81 results.
HscodeProduct NameProduct FamilyProduct Technical NameBrand NameCommentsFile
4911910000Designs Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of printing Pictures, designs and photographs
7102390000DiamondNatural, cultured pearlsOther Diamond
8205100000Drilling ToolsTools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; Drilling, threading or tapping tools
2106906900Drinking StrawsMiscellaneous edible preparations Drinking straws, containing flavouring preparations
8504340000Electrical Transformer Electric transformers, static converters (eg rectifiers) and inductorsHaving a power handling capacity exceeding 500 KVA
0407119000Fertile EggsDairy Produce; birds eggs; natural honey; edible products of animalOther
Full Cream Milk UHT Dairy Produce Milk and cream; not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matterAll kinds of milk
0709910000Globe ArtichokesVegetables and certain roots and tubers; edibleGlobe Artichokes
0204500000GoatMeat and edible meat offalMeat of Goats
0104200000Goats (Breeding)Animals; liveGoats
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