View Procedure

Procedure NameCartage Handling Procedure


Cartage Handling

Responsible Agency       

Eswatini Railaway
Address: Eswatini Railway Building,Dzeliwe St

Phone:+268 24117400


Legal base of the Procedure



Required Documents


Type of information



Process Steps

Step 1

Custom makes an enquiry

Step 2

Transport planner records, plan and executes cartage. Prepares needed documents.

Step 3

Driver inspect Trailer before loading.

Step 4 Driver dilivers container to customer
Step 5 

Customer receives container along with Container Terminal Order document

Step 6 

Customer offloads  or loads container within the stipulated timeframe.

Step 7 

If Container is not loaded, customer will load and seal container,prepares loading report seal number and Container Terminal order, then driver will collect container.

Step 8 

Driver sign off the Container Terminal Order.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
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This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Cartage RequirementsGeneralEswatini RailwayAll cartage should be handled within the agreed and stipulated time otherwise a charge will be raised.- The importer is given 4 hours to off load or on load, failing which detention is charged. - A charge raised by shipping lines to a customer for keeping the container beyond a stipulated time - A charge for temporary storage of container at the ICD charged as per the rate schedule applicable The Customs and Excise Act, 197109-09-1999Good