View Procedure

Procedure NameElectronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate


Electronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate

Responsible Agency       

Eswatini Communications Commission
Address: Sibekelo Building, Fourth Floor North Wing, Mbabane, Eswatini

                  PO Box 7811,




Phone: (+268) 2404 7000


Legal base of the Procedure

Eswatini Communications Commissions Act, 2013

Electronic Communications Act, 2013

The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 2016


 Charges apply to processing the certificate application and can vary up to E4000.



Required Documents


Type of information



Application form available from the Commission website 

The Commission is in the process of developing a software application to manage the application, processing and issue of certificates electronically but have yet to roll this system out.

2 Scanned document attachments 
3 Proof of electronic funds transfer payment


Process Steps

Step 1

The applicant downloads an application form from the Commission website and completes. 


Step 2

The applicant submits the application together with the supporting documents to the Technical Services department. 

Step 3 The Technical Officer reviews the application,

-if satisfied forwards to Finance Office

-if application found to be incomplete or missing/incomplete information supplied returns application to applicant.

Step 4 The Finance Offices raises an invoice, sends invoice to applicant  
Step 5 

The applicant makes payment at the Finance Offices or through providing copy of EFT by email.

Finance Officer verifies payment and returns application to TO

Step 6 The Technical Officer prepares the Certificate and forwards to the General Manager.
Step 7 The General Manager signs and stamps the Certificate.
Step 8 The RO sends a scanned copy of the certificate to the applicant, while hardcopy is posted.
Step 9 A copy of permit is filed by the department, with Commission website updated to add the new certificate details



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
The license is valid for importation, installation, distribution and sale of communications equipment29-04-202029-04-2020 This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Import license for communication equipmentLicensing Requirement A person shall not supply, import or distribute radio communications equipment unless that person has a license granted by the Commission as specified in Section 41(1) of the Act.Equipment imported into Swaziland for personal use by an individual shall be declared at the Swaziland Revenue Authority and be subjected to the approval processes of the Commission.The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 201609-09-9999Good
Prohibited communications equipmentPerformance Requirement (1) The Commission shall from time to time publish a list of prohibited equipment. (2) A person shall not supply, import or distribute for use any equipment that is not on the list or that is prohibited by the Commission.The Commission provides this list in their general notices ( Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 201609-09-9999Good
Permit for Re- Exportation of Communications EquipmentPermit Requirement A supplier who intends to import and re-package equipment for re-exportation or transhipment shall apply for a permit from the Commission.A supplier who imports and repackages equipment for re-exportation or transhipment, communications equipment imported without a permit issued under paragraph (1) commits an offence.The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 201609-09-9999Good
Restriction on Selling of Communications EquipmentGeneral One must have a license in order to sell communications equipmentOne must provide outlet details upon certification application.The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 201609-09-9999Good