Search Procedures

Displaying 51-60 of 83 result(s).
Procedure NameSummary
Re-Export of GoodsTransit permit revenue for the re-exportation of goods declared at the port of entry.
Export Permit for FirearmsThis process represents the procedure for obtaining an Export permit for firearms. The permit is in the form of a formal document, serialized and print.
SARPCCO Clearance Certificate for Exporting Company Motor VehicleThis process represents the procedure for obtaining a SARPCCO clearance certificate which is required to register a company motor vehicle exported from Eswatini. The permit is in the form of a formal document (serialized with a prescribed format).
Permit for Protected Flora
Exporting under AGOAManufacturers and exporters dealing in all products which are covered under the AGOA trade agreement can have their goods gain preferential access upon entry into the USA market with the exception of products of textile and apparel industries.bdhcbbhjh
Permanent Exports to outside of SACUPermanent Export of goods after temporary export is a Customs procedure under which goods are temporary exported for outward processing, repairs, exchange, exhibition, hiring / leasing as well as for purposes of storage in approved storages in other count
Temporal Exports for Personal Use Declaration ProcedureThis is only for identifiable goods e.g electronics. For customs clearance purposes, the exporter should submit a customs declaration document and supporting documents.
Permanent ExportsThis procedure outlines the steps to be followed when submitting a declaration to Customs for permanent export of goods. The purpose of this document is to ensure that the correct procedures are followed when making a declaration.
Permanent Export of Temporary Exported GoodsPermanent Export of goods after temporary export is a customs procedure under which goods are temporary exported for outward processing, repairs,exchange,exhibition, hiring/leasing and for purposes of storage in approved storage in other countries.
Temporal Exports for Commercial UseTemporal Exports for Commercial Use is when assets are shipped for repairs and maintenance or service etc.
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