Search Procedures

Displaying 11-20 of 83 result(s).
Procedure NameSummary
Cannabis Production LicenseThis form is submitted in terms of Regulation 5 (1) of the Opium and Habit; Forming Drugs Act Production of Cannabis for Medicinal and Scientific Use Regulations, 2019.
Registration and Licencing of FirearmsEach firearm owner must apply for a licence to own a firearm, after register said firearm. The licence of each firearm is payable at a police station.
Gun Shop PermitEvery gun shop owner needs a licence to trade, and it must be renewed every year.
Cartage Handling ProcedureThis procedure is applicable to all containers to be collected or delivered to a customer.
Cargo Claim Handling ProcedureThese are steps outline a customer should follow when making a cargo claim
Special Economic Zones LicenseSpecial Economic Zones license is provided to a business enterprise that wishes to engage in activities eligible to be undertaken by a special economic enterprise in the special economic zone.
License For Vehicle to Transport ExplosivesIn order for a vehicle to transport Explosive,an applicant need a licence that prove that the vehicle is fit .
Application For Certificate Of Registration of AircraftApplication For Certificate Of Registration or Registration of Aircraft
Registration For Pharmaceuticals EstablishmentBefore registering as an Pharmaceuticals importer an applicant needs to be registered as established pharmaceuticals
Storage Approval Storage facility used for imported meat and meat products.
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