
85 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers, parts and accessories of such articles

Sub Chapter
8517 Line telephony or line telegraphy apparatus; including such apparatus carrier-current line systems

Sub Heading

8517189000 OTHER



Displaying 1-6 of 6 result(s).
Country GroupGroup DescriptionActivityTariff RateUnitValid FromValid To
CDGCustoms Duty GeneralImportFREENMB30-03-202031-12-9999
EU-PREFEU Preferential RateImportFREENMB30-03-202031-12-9999
EFTA-PREFEFTA Preferential RateImportFREENMB30-03-202031-12-9999
SADC-PREFSADC Preferential RateImportFREENMB30-03-202031-12-9999
MERC-PREFMERCOSUR - Preferential RateImportFREENMB30-03-202031-12-9999
VATValue Added TaxImport15%NMB30-03-202031-12-9999



Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Import license for communication equipment Licensing Requirement Eswatini Communications Commission A person shall not supply, import or distribute radio communications equipment unless that person has a license granted by the Commission as specified in Section 41(1) of the Act. Equipment imported into Swaziland for personal use by an individual shall be declared at the Swaziland Revenue Authority and be subjected to the approval processes of the Commission. The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 2016 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Electronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate This process is typically applied for by the manufacturer of the product outside of Swaziland (or by their agent) or a distributer/retailer who wishes to sell the product in Eswatini. Once issued the product for which the certificate is issued allows its Import View


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Prohibited communications equipment Performance Requirement Eswatini Communications Commission (1) The Commission shall from time to time publish a list of prohibited equipment. (2) A person shall not supply, import or distribute for use any equipment that is not on the list or that is prohibited by the Commission. The Commission provides this list in their general notices ( The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 2016 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Electronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate This process is typically applied for by the manufacturer of the product outside of Swaziland (or by their agent) or a distributer/retailer who wishes to sell the product in Eswatini. Once issued the product for which the certificate is issued allows its Import View


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Permit for Re- Exportation of Communications Equipment Permit Requirement Eswatini Communications Commission A supplier who intends to import and re-package equipment for re-exportation or transhipment shall apply for a permit from the Commission. A supplier who imports and repackages equipment for re-exportation or transhipment, communications equipment imported without a permit issued under paragraph (1) commits an offence. The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 2016 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Electronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate This process is typically applied for by the manufacturer of the product outside of Swaziland (or by their agent) or a distributer/retailer who wishes to sell the product in Eswatini. Once issued the product for which the certificate is issued allows its Import View


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Restriction on Selling of Communications Equipment General Eswatini Communications Commission One must have a license in order to sell communications equipment One must provide outlet details upon certification application. The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 2016 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Electronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate This process is typically applied for by the manufacturer of the product outside of Swaziland (or by their agent) or a distributer/retailer who wishes to sell the product in Eswatini. Once issued the product for which the certificate is issued allows its Import View


Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Type approval/acceptance of communication equipment Test Standard Eswatini Communications Commission All communications equipment shall prior to its use be submitted for type approval or type acceptance by the Commission The Commission shall maintain a list of type approved equipment, which will be available upon request. The Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulation, 2016 09-09-9999