View Procedure

Procedure NameBusiness Registration


Company Registration

Responsible Agency       

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade

The Department of Commerce


Interministerial Complex

Mhlambanyatsi road

Justice building 1st floor, East wing

P.O Box 451

Mbabane, Eswatini

Phone: (+268) 2404 2372

Web: .

Legal base of the Procedure

Companies Act No: 8 of 2009

Protection of Names, Uniforms and Badges Act no. 10 of 1969


Payment fees where Nominal capital does not exceed E10.000 > (E645.00)

  • does not exceed E 30.000 > (E945.00)
  • does not exceed E 50.000 > (E1245.00)
  • exceeds E 50.000 < (E1845.00) 

Required Documents


Type of information


Reservation application and reply

2 Directors Identity documents
3 Declaration of Compliance

Process Steps

Step 1

Company name search. The applicant checks availability and free use of a unique Company name for reservation in the Company Registrar. This process is available online on .

Step 2

 If the chosen name is free for use, a reply in writing or a reply online will be given to the user instantly and the applicant can reserve the company name (Valid for 90 days).

Step 3 The applicant completes standardized company registration forms available and downloadable online on classed according to the type of Company in compliance with the Companies Act. 
Step 4 The applicant submits the application at the office of the Registrar of Companies, accompanied by a payment receipt from the Ministry of Finance or mobile payment via *468#  to register online.
Step 5 The Office processes the application,registration and incorporation of Companies shall take 1 day in Eswatini 
Step 6

The applicant receives certificate of incoporation of the company 


The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
A complete list of existing Directors and Alternate Directors must always be given. The date should always be shown whether or not it is in respect of an old or a new appointment.12-04-202012-04-2020Ministry of Commerce Industry and TradeThis is Dowload File
Annual Return of a Company Having a Share Capital (In pursuant to Section 151 (1) of Act No. 8 of 200916-04-202016-04-2020Ministry of Commerce Industry and TradeThis is Dowload File
Notice of company registered office/application for annual license16-04-202016-04-2020Ministry of Commerce Industry and TradeThis is Dowload File
Declaration of compliance for private companies upon registering a company name16-04-202016-04-2020Ministry of Commerce Industry and TradeThis is Dowload File
Declaration of compliance for public companies upon company registration16-04-202016-04-2020Ministry of Commerce Industry and TradeThis is Dowload File
Declaration of compliance for non profit making association upon company registration16-04-202016-04-2020Ministry of Commerce Industry and TradeThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Business RegistrationRegistration RequirementMinistry of Commerce Industry and TradeEvery company in Eswatini should be registered.Registration is now online based from the point of name search, reservation, payment and registration.The Companies Act, 2009 09-09-9999Good