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TitleForm - J: Business Registration
DescriptionA complete list of existing Directors and Alternate Directors must always be given. The date should always be shown whether or not it is in respect of an old or a new appointment.
CategoryTrade in Goods
Issued ByMinistry of Commerce Industry and Trade
Created Date12-04-2020
Updated Date12-04-2020
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This form is used in the following procedures/s
Procedure NameSummaryView Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Business RegistrationThe mission of The Registrar of Companies is to ensure legal formation and operations of Companies in Eswatini. Formation and collation of company memorandums and articles of association shall be done in compliance with The Companies Act No 8 of 2009.View
Trading LicenseAll companies require a trading license, except for professional companies that have a different licensing system.View
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) RegistrationThe VAT Act requires that any business which supplies goods or services which are not exempt from VAT in Swaziland should apply for VAT registration. VAT registration is compulsory for businesses whose annual taxable turnover exceeds E500 000.View